Lee Hom - Heartbeat

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My second hangover experience

Last friday night, I got to experience my second hangover. The day after a welcome party for the two new Malaysians who came to Japan on May, I have a minor headache and felt sick, after alcohol-ing for the second time in my life.

Still remember that the first time, it was back in Penang, the day before I left for Japan for the first time. That time, it was Mapel juice that have make me drunk. Now, for this time, it was "Nihon-shu", or Japanese osake. Shouldn't have taken more than one bottle of Nihon-shu.

However, this time, the condition was far worse than the first time. At least, for the first time, I did not vomit but for this time I did, although not a serious one. Thank goodness that I did not eat too much at that time.

Now, I have decided not to take more than one bottle of Nihon-shu, or not to take osake at all for some time starting from today. I have learned my lesson.

I hope that I will remember this in the future...

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