Lee Hom - Heartbeat

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Last sunday, 18th of July, despite the fact that there was a 花火大会 (General meeting for fireworks), it turns out to be a disappointed day. Here's why...

Firstly, on that day, my friend and I planned to go for a Spiderman 2 movie on that afternoon. When we reached the cinema, we found out that the tickets were all sold-out!! That's fine, we could try another screening time, but sad to notice that the next few scheduled screening time too has been sold-out!! So we have to imagine the movie while it was been screened. A bad sign for that day.

It was, indeed, a sign for bad day...

Before we went to the cinema, we have actually secured a place for that evening event, the "花火大会". At first, we feel that the place that we have reserved was quite good, albeit a standing tree that might block us from viewing the 花火. Ok, place reserved and felt happy for the moment.

We were supposed to meet with our friends at around 6:00pm that evening to enjoy the fireworks together. Place to meet has been set and informed earlier and we thought that everything would be going well as planned. But wait, at around 6:00pm, although expected, a lot of people arrived and the area was packed with people. This caused the handphone's signal reception became weak, or in a "no signal at all" condition. Therefore, handphone seems to be useless... communication lost at that time.

At around 6:30pm, two out of three of our friends have been located, and finally at around 7:00pm, we got our last friend. Let's go for some fireworks...

On our way to our reserved place, the path, err I don't think there was any path, was fully-packed with people. Therefore, it was hard for us to get to our place and we have to struggle for some 30 minutes to get to a 5-10 minutes destination. Finally, we made it to our reserved place, everything worth the troubles and difficulties we have had this far...

7:30pm, the first firework started flying to the sky, and everyone starts yelling with excitement... but, where is the fireworks? We couldn't see it!! Are we at the wrong place? Nope, we were not at the wrong place but just that we were facing at the wrong spot. The fireworks has been covered by that standing tree that we thought won't be the problem for our viewing earlier this afternoon when reserving the place!! Well, we did see some sparks behind the tree...

It has been like that for the next one hour, although we sometimes saw about 10-40% of the fireworks, when the fireworks flew high enough and big enough to escape from that merciless tree...

8:30pm, another 15 minutes to go for the fireworks, and we think that we should better get out from here fast before the event ends or else we might have difficulties to board the train later, since there will be a lot of people heading to the station when the last fireworks went off...

Leaving the area with disappointment, we walked to the station, and on our way to the station, the fireworks was still being freed to the dark sky. From our standing point at this time, we could see the fireworks!! It was so beautiful especially the final round of the fireworks. The sky was so bright with the sparks of the fireworks hanging in the dark sky...

Although disappointed for the first hour, we enjoyed for the last 15 minutes. A good end for an unlucky day. After a day walk, it was a tiring day but at the same time, a good day to remember with such an event...

Thanks to Maiko for that whole day... ありがとう...

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