Lee Hom - Heartbeat

Friday, August 06, 2004

I have a million yen today...

Today, I went to a restaurant for lunch as usual. At the cashier front, I ordered a 598yen meal and I did my payment...

*some japanese speech which I don't understand*

The cashier pressed the cash register machine and *woop* a number popped out from the screen. It was the change for my payment, and it read 999,402! Wow, I was waiting for the cashier to give me that amount at that time...

But the cashier drew 402yen to me as my change!

Hey, where's the 999,000yen?! In the receipt, it has printed 1,000,000yen as my pay amount and my change was supposed to be 999,402yen and not 402yen!

Haha, what a day... maybe I will find my 1,000,000yen later today. Well, maybe an extra 100,000yen to my wealth is more than enough.

I pray and will continue to pray for this moment to come true... bless me.

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