Lee Hom - Heartbeat
Monday, October 12, 2009
2002 - The worst year in my life... Part 2
The memories involved two persons that's important to me, in a way.
2) I failed to appreciate her
She was someone I get to know on my second year in USM. In a way, it was related to my best friend (in part 1). If no because of him, I wouldn't have had the chance to know her. She was regarded by others as fierce and it was advisable not to step on her - no matter what. Well, I believe they exaggerated the situation. To me, she is someone adorable, independent, capable and yet cute. We met for the first time when we were having supper together with a group of friends including my best friend.
Thinking back about it now, there's a lot of great (and sweet, maybe) memories with her. While I cannot remember or recall all, yesterday night, but a handful of those makes me feel that I was making another mistake for the year as I failed to appreciate her.
Ever since we knew each other, we spent most of the time together (of course with other friends as well). I remembered of a trip to Perak, she volunteered her car for us to drive down to Perak and during that trip, nothing much that I could recall except for one place - Kellie's Castle.
Indirectly, that place was the first place that I hold her hand - well indirectly. We went to the roof of the castle, and tried to look down from that roof. It was not barred and therefore very scary to look down from the edge. In the beginning others in the party, some female friends wanted to take a look from the edge but afraid of falling to death. Therefore, I volunteered my hand to them so that they could hold onto something while starring down from the roof. Later, she also wanted to have a look and she held my hand just like what others did - the first time holding her hand, albeit indirectly.
She was also my partner on an annual dinner of an association. We, among with other friends, were invited to attend an annual dinner organized by an association, of which I can't remember the name of the association. In order to prepare for that, we, in a group went to buy clothes to wear on that night. There, she helped me to choose the clothes, and also tie - if my memory served me well. On that night, well, the idea of having a partner didn't come across our mind and it was decided on the spot itself. She became my partner for that dinner. If I still remembered clearly, both of us did have a dance too. Thinking back, it was a great night for both of us.
We had some childish acts together. One that I could recall was the time when she chased me from her room out to the living room. I wasn't very sure how this started, but I guess it's a time when everyone of us are getting ready to go out for dinner together. We are still waiting for her before we make the move. However, she was still inside the room having a nap at that time, and everyone was afraid to go and wake her up. I volunteered. I went to her and try to wake her up and when she woke up, she get down from the bed and the chasing started. Everyone was expecting that I get a hit or two from her, but when we reached the living room, nothing happened, it just stopped there.
I really don't quite remember the reason for the chase, and for sure, there wasn't any indecent things that I have done to her while trying to wake her up. Funny and puzzling enough to me - hahaha.
We had a few moments of doing things together - alone, if I remembered correctly. I don't know, it might be minor, but it came strongly to me. We went to listen to a presentation by a friend of us and at that time, it was only the two of us, I believed. While it might not be anything special, it could be just normal to the eyes of others, but when I recalled back, it gave me a very strong feeling, peaceful and at the same time, the happiness because of a companion. I wasn't sure if the feeling is for real or not.
She hinted something to me? One day, while taking the lift down, as usual, we were chatting, but I couldn't remember what we were chatting about. Right before we came out from the lift, she said something but I cannot remember what it was. It could be something like "yalor, I treat you so good but you don't realize", something like that. At that time and moment itself, I believe it was a hint from her. However, I did not react when she said that...
In the process, I failed to appreciate everything that has happened around the two of us. I should have went after her instead of her room mate. Yes, I believe I hurt her feeling, I should have sent the flowers to her and not to her room mate. I should have gave her the present that I bought for her to match her dressing on that annual dinner night mentioned above but I kept it to myself. I should have follow my instinct from that night onwards and pursue her instead. I believe at that moment, I did have some feeling with her, just that I dare not admit it. Even my best friend could see that, but I couldn't see that coming.
She's a good girl, and I missed the opportunity to start a relationship with her. Well, I regretted that now. But that aside, as she has got a good marriage with her now, what I should and can do is to wish her all the happiness from her current marriage. True from my heart.
2002 - The worst year in my life... Part 1
The memories involved two persons that's important to me, in a way.
1) My Best Friend
I get to know him for less than two years but we did a lot of things together ever since I get to know him in my second year in USM. We were in the same course and get to know each other when we formed a group for a course project. From then onwards, we were in the same group for most of the course projects. Our friendship built up fast that soon, we became best friend. It was also from this friendship that I get to know another person that I will talk about on the next paragraph.
At one point, somewhere between end of second and third year, something happened that changed our friendship. I would say a "mole" (person) has dropped into our friendship and intervened or changed everything. I was also to blame to simply let this "mole" manipulated me. Come to think of it, what the "mole" said was actually not really anything to be worried about as it was really not a big deal. However, I will skip this details.
The relationship turned sour when we started our final year project together - the mole, him, and me. Because of something that the "mole" warned me, it has put me on guard of him (my best friend) when dealing with the project. However, come to think of it, it really isn't anything that one should reacted like how I have reacted.
That aside, things became worse on the day of our final year project demonstration. The night before the demonstration, I made a modification for our project, and I passed the code to reflect the changes made to him in order for his module to suit the modified parts. When I passed the code to him, I did remember that I asked him to try and check this out to make sure that it's working fine. Since I still have a test to take on the next morning (the day of our demonstration), I did not follow up on that matter after passing the code to him and continue with my revision for the test.
The next day, I went for the test and came back to get ready for the demonstration. When I met with him, I was surprised, he openly yelled at me saying that the code that I passed to him didn't work. I understand the yelling as the frustration is there since we are in the final hour before the demonstration. However, I wasn't the one to be blamed, I did ask him to try out the code to make sure everything is working fine, and that was yesterday night. He has the whole night to try that out.
What happened then was he switched back to the old code and his part of the module was working fine. However, from then onwards, our friendship was completely broken into pieces. We never talk after that morning. It was indeed a saddest thing to me.
With that, it registered in my history as something important that I have lost in my life! If I can have another chance to mend the relationship, I will do whatever I could. Even my family members wished that we could mend our relationship but... sigh
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Advice: Be extra careful when buying into warrants near maturity
LATELY, as a result of better stock-market sentiment, investors are starting to pay attention to warrants. With their prices relatively lower than that of mother shares, warrants are viewed as an alternative to achieving higher returns and providing cheaper entry to the mother shares.
What is a warrant?
A warrant is a transferrable option certificate issued by a company that entitles the holder to buy a specific number of shares in that company at a specific price (or exercise price) at a specified time in the future.
Normally, a company issues warrants together with bonds to raise capital. Because investors can detach the warrants and sell them separately to get some returns, the coupon rates for these bonds will be lower.
As a result, we can treat this as a “sweetener” for investors to attract them to buy into lower coupon-rate bonds. Besides, capital raising through warrants will be less disruptive to a company’s earnings as investors are given a certain period to exercise their rights.
The intrinsic value of a warrant is the value that an investor will get if the warrant were to be exercised immediately. It is the difference between the price of the mother share and the exercise price.
A positive intrinsic value means the warrant is “in-the-money” and the investor may exercise his rights now given that he can buy the mother share at a cheaper price. A negative intrinsic value means the warrant is “out-of-money” and the investor will not exercise his rights as he has to pay higher than the current market price for the mother share.
Usually, warrants are traded at a premium because investors are willing to pay extra for the benefits that warrants offer. However, investors need to know the premium that they are paying. Premium can be computed based on the following formula:
For example, if Company A’s share price is RM4.50 and the exercise price is RM3.75, Company A’s warrant (Company A-W) price of RM1.36 will imply a premium of 13.6%.
Premium = (1.36 + 3.75 – 4.50)/4.50 x 100 = 13.6%.
For any given warrant, the higher the premium, the more expensive the warrant becomes. If an investor pays a premium to buy a warrant, the underlying share must rise by a percentage equal to the premium before the maturity date to break even.
The main reason for the preference shown by investors in buying warrants instead of their mother shares is the gearing factor. It is computed by dividing the mother share price by warrant price.
Based on the above example, the gearing factor for Company A-W is 3.31 times (4.50/1.36). It means that by buying into Company A-W instead of Company A (with the same amount of investment), the exposure to Company A is 3.31 times larger than investing in Company A (the mother share) itself.
Hence, due to the lower price relative to the price of the mother share, gearing can show how many times a warrant is able to outperform or under-perform versus the mother share.
Capital Fulcrum Point (CFP)
CFP combines premium and time-to-maturity to provide a compound indicator. It can be interpreted as the average percentage increase in the price of the mother share per year assuming all other factors remain constant.
It is computed based on the following formula:
Where y = the remaining years-to-maturity, ^ means to the power of
Based on the above example, if y = 5.82 years, CFP for Company A-W = [{3.75/(4.50 – 1.36)} ^ (1/5.82) – 1] x 100 = 3.1%.
It means that if Company A is able to grow by at least 3.1% a year, it will be cheaper to buy Company A-W than investing in Company A’s mother share.
In short, we can consider this CFP as taking the premium divided by the remaining time-to-maturity. When we take the above 13.6% premium and divide by 5.82 years, we will get 2.34%. Even though we cannot get the actual CFP, 2.34% can provide us with a close approximation to the correct CFP of 3.10%.
Due to the gearing factor, even though investors can get higher returns by investing in warrants instead of buying the mother shares, we need to understand the risks involved. Investors need to be extra careful when buying into warrants, especially those that are near their maturity.
Investors need to exercise the warrants or sell them into the market before the maturity dates because the warrants will become worthless after those dates.
● Ooi Kok Hwa is an investment adviser and managing partner of MRR Consulting.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Japanese Lesson 2
Yes, knowing how to count from 1 to 10 is important, isn't it? Nah...
Anyway, for this lesson, let's do counting...
Japanese numbering is just like chinese numbering, it has the denomination of 10s [jyu-u](十), 100s [hya-ku](百), 1000s [se-n](千), 10000s [ma-n](万), 100000000s [o-ku](億). Therefore, learning counting in Japanese will be easier for someone with chinese numbering knowledge.
Let's start with 1 to 10:
1 - ichi [i-chi] いち(一)
2 - ni [ni] に(二)
3 - san [sa-n] さん(三)
4 - yon [yo-n] or shi [shi] よん(四)・し(四)
5 - go [go] ご(五)
6 - roku [ro-ku] ろく(六)
7 - shichi [shi-chi] or nana [na-na] しち(七)・なな(七)
8 - hachi [ha-chi] はち(八)
9 - ku [ku] or kyu [kyu] く(九)・きゅ(九)
10 - jyuu [jyu-u] じゅう(十)
After 10, of course will be 11, 12, 13, ...
Here, if you know chinese, the arrangement is the same, just that you need to read it in Japanese.
11 - jyuu ichi [jyu-u i-chi] じゅういち(十一)
12 - jyuu ni [jyu-u ni] じゅうに(十二)
13 - jyuu san [jyu-u sa-n] じゅうさん(十三)
14 - jyuu yon [jyu-u yo-n] じゅうよん(十四)
20 - ni jyuu [ni jyu-u] にじゅう(二十)
21 - ni jyuu ichi [ni jyu-u i-chi] にじゅういち(二十一)
22 - ni jyuu ni [ni jyu-u ni] にじゅうに(二十二)
23 - ni jyuu san [ni jyu-u sa-n] にじゅうさん(二十三)
You should know the rest, for 30, 40, 50 ...
So, now we will go for 100,
100 - hyaku [hya-ku] ひゃく(百)
101 - hyaku ichi [hya-ku i-chi] ひゃくいち(百一)
102 - hyaku ni [hya-ku ni] じゃくに(百二)
200 - ni hyaku [ni hya-ku] にひゃく(二百)
201 - ni hyaku ichi [ni hya-ku i-chi] にひゃくいち(二百一)
202 - ni hyaku ni [ni hya-ku ni] にひゃくに(二百二)
Now, for numbers from 300 until 399, bya-ku is used instead of hya-ku, keep that in mind and don't ask me why! Please let me know, if anyone reading this knows the reason...
300 - san byaku [sa-n bya-ku] さんびゃく(三百)
301 - san byaku ichi [sa-n bya-ku i-chi] さんびゃくいち(三百一)
302 - san byaku ni [sa-n bya-ku ni] さんびゃくに(三百二)
Same for numbers from 600 until 699, pya-ku is used instead of hya-ku,
600 - roppyaku [ro-p-pya-ku] ろっぴゃく(六百)
601 - roppyaku ichi [ro-p-pya-ku i-chi] ろっぴゃくいち(六百一)
602 - roppyaku ni [ro-p-pya-ku ni] ろっぴゃくに(六百二)
Also, for numbers from 800 until 899, pya-ku is used instead of hya-ku,
800 - happyaku [ha-p-pya-ku] はっぴゃく(八百)
801 - happyaku ichi [ha-p-pya-ku i-chi] はっぴゃくいち(八百一)
802 - happyaku ni [ha-p-pya-ku ni] はっぴゃくに(八百二)
Note: Did you notice that there is a small "tsu" (っ) for the above examples? Small "tsu" will be substituted with the same character following it, in romanji. For example, in ro-"small tsu"-pya-ku, "small tsu" will be written as "p" since the next character is pya-ku, which starts with "p".
Another example, mitte(みって), "small tsu" is written as "t" in romanji. In Japanese, small "tsu" appears very often, and you will get used to it, soon.
Now, we will try 1000,
1000 - sen [se-n] せん(千)
1001 - sen ichi [se-n i-chi] せんいち(千一)
1002 - sen ni [se-n ni] せんに(千二)
2000 - ni sen [ni se-n] にせん(二千)
2001 - ni sen ichi [ni se-n i-chi] にせんいち(二千一)
2002 - ni sen ni [ni se-n ni] にせんに(二千二)
For numbers from 3000 until 3999, ze-n is used instead of se-n,
3000 - san zen [sa-n ze-n] さんぜん(三千)
For numbers from 8000 until 8999, notice that it is connected with an extra "s" (the smalle "tsu"), and "chi" from "ha-chi"(8), has been taken out,
8000 - hassen [ha-s-se-n] はっせん(八千)
Now, 10000,
10000 - ichi man [i-chi ma-n] いちまん(一万)
10001 - ichi man ichi [i-chi ma-n i-chi] いちまんいち(一万一)
10002 - ichi man ni [i-chi ma-n ni] いちまんに(一万二)
20000 - ni man [ni ma-n] にまん(二万)
20001 - ni man ichi [ni ma-n i-chi] にまんいち(二万一)
20002 - ni man ni [ni ma-n ni] にまんに(二万二)
100000 - jyuu man [jyu-u ma-n] じゅうまん(十万)
100001 - jyuu man ichi [jyu-u ma-n i-chi] じゅうまんいち(十万一)
100022 - jyuu man ni jyuu ni [jyu-u ma-n ni jyu-u ni] じゅうまんにじゅうに(十万二十二)
200000 - ni jyuu man [ni jyu-u ma-n] にじゅうまん(二十万)
I think you will get the idea for the rest of the number. Now, let's go to the last one that i am going to mention here, o-ku(億),
100000000 - ichi oku [i-chi o-ku] いちおく(一億)
100000001 - ichi oku ichi [i-chi o-ku i-chi] いちおくいち(一億一)
That's all that I know, don't ask me those after o-ku(億), I don't know...
Example れい(例):
123456 - jyuu ni man san sen yon hyaku go jyuu roku [jyu-u ni ma-n sa-n se-n yo-n hya-ku go jyu-u ro-ku] 十二万三千四百五十六
Well, hope you can start counting in Japanese now! Have fun!!
Japanese Lesson 1
I will be blogging based on the book "shin nihongo no kiso 1", however, whatever I blogged/explained here might not be completely correct, but I will try my very best to give the best guidance in learning the basic of Japanese language. Have fun!!
Learning Japanese is just like learning any other languages that existed in this world. Just like English constructed its words using alphabets starting from "a" to "z", Japanese language, too, has it's own alphabets/characters (whichever you want to call).
To start learning Japanese, one is better off if he/she knows the alphabets/characters. Below are the alphabets/characters available for use in constructing japanese words:
Note that all the characters are inherited from the very basic of "a", "i", "u", "e", "o".
a [あ・ア] (ah); i [い・イ] (e); u [う・ウ] (uu); e [え・ヘ] (eh); o [お・オ] (o);
ka [か・カ]; ki [き・キ]; ku [く・ク]; ke [け・ケ]; ko [こ・コ];
sa [さ・サ]; shi [し・シ]; su [す・ス]; se [せ・セ]; so [そ・ソ];
ta [た・タ]; chi [ち・チ]; tsu [つ・ツ]; te [て・テ]; to [と・ト];
na [な・ナ]; ni [に・ニ]; nu [ぬ・ヌ]; ne [ね・ネ]; no [の・ノ];
ha [は・ハ]; hi [ひ・ヒ]; hu [ふ・フ]; he [へ・ヘ]; ho [ほ・ホ];
ma [ま・マ]; mi [み・ミ]; mu [む・ム]; me [め・メ]; mo [も・モ];
ya [や・ヤ]; yu [ゆ・ユ]; yo [よ・ヨ];
ra [ら・ラ]; ri [り・リ]; ru [る・ル]; re [れ・レ]; ro [ろ・ロ];
wa [わ・ワ]; wo [を・ヲ] (o);
n [ん・ン] (ung);
ga [が・ガ]; gi [ぎ・ギ]; gu [ぐ・グ]; ge [げ・ゲ]; go [ご・ゴ];
za [ざ・ザ]; ji [じ・ジ]; zu [ず・ズ]; ze [ぜ・ゼ]; zo [ぞ・ゾ];
da [だ・ダ]; di [ぢ・ヂ]; du [づ・ヅ]; de [で・デ]; do [ど・ド];
ba [ば・バ]; bi [び・ビ]; bu [ぶ・ブ]; be [べ・ベ]; bo [ぼ・ボ];
pa [ぱ・パ]; pi [ぴ・ピ]; pu [ぷ・プ]; pe [ぺ・ペ]; po [ぽ・ポ];
kya [きゃ・キャ]; kyu [きゅ・キュ]; kyo [きょ・キョ];
sha [しゃ・シャ]; shu [しゅ・シュ]; sho [しょ・ショ];
cha [ちゃ・チャ]; chu [ちゅ・チュ]; cho [ちょ・チョ];
nya [にゃ・ニャ]; nyu [にゅ・ニュ]; nyo [にょ・ニョ];
hya [ひゃ・ヒャ]; hyu [ひゅ・ヒュ]; hyo [ひょ・ヒョ];
mya [みゃ・ミャ]; myu [みゅ・ミュ]; myo [みょ・ミョ];
rya [りゃ・リャ]; ryu [りゅ・リュ]; ryo [りょ・リョ];
gya [ぎゃ・ギャ]; gyu [ぎゅ・ギュ]; gyo [ぎょ・ギョ];
jya [じゃ・ジャ]; jyu [じゅ・ジュ]; jyo [じょ・ジョ];
bya [びゃ・ビャ]; byu [びゅ・ビュ]; byo [びょ・ビョ];
pya [ぴゃ・ピャ]; pyu [ぴゅ・ピュ]; pyo [ぴょ・ピョ];
( ) = pronounced as
[・] = hiragana・katakana
Source: Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 - 新日本語の基礎1 (しんにほんごのきそ1)
Example (rei) [れ・い](例):
shin = shi.n [し・ん](新)
nihongo = ni.ho.n.go [に・ほ・ん・ご](日本語)
no = no [の](の)
kiso = ki.so [き・そ](基礎)
Hope that the explanation above will give a better picture about Japanese language.
I will blog for Japanese Lesson 2 whenever I have the time. Until then, have fun memorizing the Japanese alphabets/characters!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
DOW @ 16-Jan-2009
Upcoming Events:
1) President George Bush will be giving his farewell speech tonight.
2) Fourth-quarter earnings report for some 55 companies of the S&P 500 on next week.
3) Next monday, 19-Jan-2009, all financial markets closed for Martin Lurker King Jr. Day.
4) Next tuesday, 20-Jan-2009, Inauguration Day, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States.