Gotenks is a fictional character in the Anime Dragon Ball Z. He is the result of Trunks and Goten fusing using the Fusion dance technique learned by Goku when he's at the other world.
One problem after the fusion has been completed is that their mother does not know what name to call this new character. At one time, Goten's mother wanted to call him as "Goten" while at other time, Trunks' mother wanted to call him as "Trunks" and so both mothers quarrelled against each other. Finally, they agreed on a new name. The name Gotenks is formed based on the name Goten combined with the last two characters from Trunks.
Gotenks is first formed when Goten is 7 and Trunks is 8, so the moves (or attack techniques) that the character devises are decidedly child-like and are often more about the "show" of the move, rather than effectiveness, such as Gotenks' Ghost [Kamikaze] Attack (funny technique and yet my favorite). During his fight with Evil Buu, Gotenks shows his immaturity when he does not transform into a Super Saiyan initially (before the fusion took place), in order to make the fight more dramatic. Their childish thought suggested that without the initial Super Saiyan form would just be enough to defeat the Evil Buu. Fusion with the Super Saiyan form would logically gives the fused character (which is Gotenks) more power and strength than normal fusion. As a result of their childish thought, it ultimately costs him the fight with Evil Buu.
Gotenks does however have the ability to go up to Super Saiyan 3, which is not seen in any other Human-Saiyan Halfbreeds. It should be noted however that this does not mean that Halfbreeds were incapable of reaching the level, just that it was not shown in any of the series. Although they are two Halfbreeds combined, this does not make up one Saiyan and one Human, rather it still equates to an exact Halfbreed, with 50% Saiyan blood and 50% Human blood.
Available Techinques:
1) Wild Boar Attack
2) Saiyajin Instinct
3) Death Missle Barrage
4) Dynamite Kick
5) Galactic Donut
6) Super Saiyajin
7) Continuos Die Die Missle
8) Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
9) Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 10 in one shot
A brief on Ghost Kamikaze Attack
It is where he makes ghost copies of himself with different personalities, and on impact (even touching each other) they explode.
Kamikaze Ghost
Note: Original text retrieved from Wikipedia but with modification
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